Tuesday, July 13, 2010


So I was at work the other day doing my normal DUTIES when I went to go clean the bathroom. First I cleaned the girls bathroom and as usual it wasn't too bad. After I was done with the girls then I had to clean the boys now with any other bathroom it wouldn't be a problem but there is just something about our subway, I just knew something would be wrong. So I went into the boys bathroom and MAN it smelt BAD so I looked around and it wasn't to dirty so I looked around to try and figure out where the awful smell was coming from, then I looked over in the corner..."Oh no this is not what I think...OK I'm going to look down and everything will be normal" or so I thought, but of course I look down pick up the toilet brush and BAM somebody peed on the toilet brush....-_-.... WHAT KIND OF AN IDIOT WALKS IN AND PEES ON THE TOILET BRUSH!!!! So I cleaned the toilet, cleaned the toilet brush (in the bathroom sink tee hee), cleaned the sink then washed my hands about 3 times it was an interesting day!

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