Friday, February 17, 2012


You know it's cold outside when your nose hairs instantly freeze to the sides of your nose!! Alaska is beautiful but freezing and we have a lot of freakin snow we have more snow then I have ever wished for in my entire life! we went sledding a little while ago and we went to a hill called Cravase hill its not that tall but it is steep and so much fun. When we got to the top we were tired so we sat down I looked at the hill and wondered if it would work the same Way if I slid down on my I did and for the most part it worked but it was a little bumpy on the way down. the Owens have a huge black sled that we fit 4 people into and sled down now this sled is tall so when you ride in it the one thing you don't want to do is try to bail out the side of it.....which of course is the first thing Khyle did and practically killed my leg in the process! Other then that we had a lot of fun!